Monthly Archives: April 2009


Took a long drive today, out to Kernersville, and a nice little fish store there.   They had the biggest clam I have ever seen. Seriously. This thing was…I mean…it was…like…two feet long. And brilliantly iridescent crazy colors. It was AMAZING. Got some very nice little frags–the guy working was so excited that somebody came in owing […]


I had a SERIOUSLY awful nightmare last night. I was working at this office building, and the office was overrun by killer robots. This by itself is not unusual, and they were pretty laughable robots–basically stacks of cardboard boxes with red laser eyes. My fellow cubicle dwellers and I took to hiding under our desks and then […]

The book is done. I mean, there’s gonna be editing and requests to re-tool images and whatnot, but for the most part…it’s done. I finished up the last spread (which I did not slack on, and am rather pleased with) and saved it, and spent the rest of the day crumbling under the slow crushing wave […]

Spring is well advanced. The trees are leafing out, and the neighbor’s houses are vanishing behind walls of particulate green. Driving home this morning, the verges are full of wild buttercups, which were a bizarre contrast to the hulking, glossy body of a black vulture who had found some tasty bit of roadkill. As a vision […]

A beautiful rainy day today, and don’t ask why today is beautiful and last week’s rainy days were just blah. Temperature, maybe. The fact it wasn’t raining when I got up. I don’t know. It’s turning into a thunderstorm, which probably has something to do with it–negative ions or whatever. Kevin had the day off […]

Yay! The new washer/dryer arrived today! They are awesome! We have clean laundry again! You know that you’ve fallen, finally and irrevocably, into the clutches of adulthood when shopping for large appliances is actually exciting. Kevin and I were oohing and ahhing through the aisles at Lowes and Home Depot. This, however, paled before Kevin bursting […]