Monthly Archives: January 2006

In Which The Editing Causes Our Heroine’s Brain To Snap. Again.

So many commas…commas everywhere…like the hoofprints of tiny commalopes…pounding on punctuated feet across my monitor, crushing everything in their path. They’ll find me splayed out across the chair, an expression of appropriately hackneyed stark terror ‘pon my face, with the Mark of the Commalope stamped into my forehead. If, through rapidly applied cardio-whatsit paddles, I […]

Every year, as part of her stocking stuffer crusade (despite our lack of stockings) my mother gets me scented bath doohickeys–lavender, green tea, white ginger, body scrubs or washes or lotions or whatever. And this is fine, because I would not buy myself such arcane potions–I am a utilitarian showerer, I believe that you get […]

Went birdwatching over at Lake Crabtree this morning. It seemed quiet today–saw a fair number of birds, but not the riotous sapsucker carnival or anything. Definitely worth it, though, as I saw six American coots in a tight little line, and got very close to a golden-crowned kinglet, who was bopping through the sedges like […]