Monthly Archives: March 2005

On Guilt

Somebody pointed out awhile ago that I wasn’t uploading as much art. This startled me a little–it’s true, I suppose, but I don’t feel notably less productive. ‘Course, being the neurotic type, I immediately went into a mental cross-examination–WAS I less productive? Was I slacking? Oh, dear god, was I slacking? I mean, I have […]

Note to self: Scanner can’t handle subtle shades of blue worth a damn. Note to self, addendum: You have known this for at least three years. Hope evidentally springs eternal. Well, I finished a painting. I think it’s cool. However, I cannot scan it worth a damn, so it will have to wait until tomorrow […]

So everybody’s up in arms about something called “Frienditto” which I know pretty much nothing about. The gist of it seems to be that if anyone actually cares, my friends-locked entries may possibly be viewable by THE ENTIRE WORLD. Woo. Since my friend-locked world largely consist of maybe four entries– two “Going out of town […]

It’s squirrel mating season. I could probably have finished off the day without being made aware of this fact. Also, I’m now pretty sure that Lumpy is a girl. Or possibly…no, let’s just go with “Lumpy’s a girl.” There are evidentally gay squirrels, but spending too long ogling the genitals of my rodent population and […]

I glanced out the window this morning, and saw more of Notch the squirrel than I am used to. He has a new trick. The feeder that he favors can be reached by gripping the tree with your feet and stretching your body out into space, but it’s uncomfortable–you have to hook the feeder and […]

Had a peculiar dream. Can’t remember most of the backstory, if any–sort of hazy wandering around in what vaguely resembled a girl scout camp. At one point, I was standing on a little dock on a river, and across the river there were these…err…creatures. They looked somewhat like reindeer, but with the bulk of horses. […]