Monthly Archives: March 2005

I glance out the window and discover squirrels copulating while standing in the platform birdfeeder. Sigh. At such times, the only possible refuge is haiku. Squirrel sex among seeds– The artist thinks: “Perhaps I should get out the hose.” Meanwhile I am trying to comprehend the vast mystery of the website set-up James has chosen. […]

So I keep planning to update the website. Not just update, but overhaul, change around, redesign, all that stuff. James has some program he likes, which would auto-generate the thumbnails and take care of all the links and so forth, which would be a helluva lot easier for me and mean that I actually keep […]

Yrrgh…had a helluva hypnogogic hallucination just now… Hypnogogic hallucinations occur on the edge of sleep, to explain–they’re the ones where you believe that you’re awake, getting up, moving around, and so forth, but you’re not. Sleep paralysis is keeping you from doing any of these things, but you’re still trying to, and your brain, in […]

Painting gnarled trees for a cover. Gnarled trees are one of the things that I developed a technique for early on, so I can do it pretty much on autopilot these days. And they’re in mist! I can disconnect my brain completely! (I suppose this sounds a little unprofessional, but it’s one of those things […]

Another quick little study, this one left rather pastel because, dangit, I just felt that way. Also, I suspect that my art career may be crippled forever by the fact that my earliest aesthetic influences all had to happen in the 80s. Can naked mole rats in leg warmers be too far away? Also, […]