Swiped from Sailormur:

“I believe that the president’s leadership in the actions taken in Iraq demonstrate an incompetence in terms of knowledge, judgment and experience in making the decisions that would have been necessary to truly accomplish the mission without the deaths to our troops and the cost to our taxpayers.”
–House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi

One of the Emperor’s particularly nasty minions, the House Majority leader [Tom DeLay], responded:

“Nancy Pelosi should apologize for her irresponsible, dangerous rhetoric. She apparently is so caught up in partisan hatred for President Bush that her words are putting American lives at risk.”

(Source: CNN)

That’s right, folks, it’s now official: criticize our so-called President and you are endangering American lives.

But a better president than Dubya said this:

“To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.” – Theodore Roosevelt (1918)

I suggest the following meme: Everyone who is so inclined, write down that Roosevelt quote on a postcard and send it to the dear House Majority Leader at either of the following addresses:

The Hon. Tom DeLay
242 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC 20515

The Hon. Tom DeLay
Office of the House Majority Leader
H-107 The Capitol
Washington, DC 20515

Then post this info in your journal and see if we can generate a big, fat reminder that dissent and criticism are not treason.

Seriously, if saying “The president is incompetent” is endangering American lives, then what? Every time I say “God, Bush is such a fucktard,” a terrorist gets his wings?

It reminds me of the every-time-you-masturbate, God-kills-a-kitten thing. Remember, kids! Tom DeLay says, “Every time you question the president’s competence, God kills an American!”

Somebody, think of the kittens!

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