Monthly Archives: October 2003

Went and saw “Kill Bill.” Quentin Tarantino movies are pretty hit or miss for me–I did not care for “Reservoir Dogs” because I simply didn’t like any of the characters–I identified with none of ’em, I cared about none of ’em, and I simply wished they’d all die a lot quicker and get it over […]

My maternal grandmother was a cool woman. She bought me my first computer. She also played video games. She was a terror at “Night Stalker” and “Astrosmash” and “Frog Pond.” I’m not sure why I thought of her today, but I was remembering the games we’d play when I was a kid, possibly as part […]

So yesterday I was doing my usual scurry back-and-forth from the studio (to paint) to the computer (while the paint dried) and caught a few snatches of the infamous Bill O’Reilly interview on Fresh Air. I unfortunately missed the point where he went batshit insane, but one of the bits I caught made me roll […]

Catching Kite-Moths Odds as it sounds, I think it’s getting harder to photograph my stuff. Some of them come together right away–the kirin took like five minutes–but the last couple have been absolute murder. Couldn’t get the frogscape to photograph to save my life–had to take it outside, finally, on a succession of days, until […]

I have this tube of gouache. Well, perhaps “had” would be a better word. It was a brand put out by Holbein, of antique colors, which was labelled entirely in Japanese except for teeny print saying “Holbein Antique Gouache” and which I got several tubes cheap of when the art supply store discontinued the lot. […]

Oh, and by the way…just so nobody misses it, the hyena-wolfy critter in Digger finally got a name in today’s episode (which is free for the next two days) so if you jog over there at long last, the elusive moniker is cast! (I had to share.) Seeking amusement last night, I went flipping through […]

Finally, finished those pesky cardinals! It was fun–the Christensen influence is obvious, and I really enjoyed the funky anatomy, so I think I may do a few more. Photographing them was nearly as hard as painting ’em…ever since I started working large, they’ve been tough, and I’ve had to use Photoshop for–madness!–photo-retouching! Which means, ironically, […]