Category Archives: Art

Thamalkane Lodge

While the rest of the crew was south of us and experiencing some brief technical difficulties, Kevin and I were hanging out at Thamalkane River Lodge admiring this view. (This is in Maun, Botswana.) There were a lot of birds. Most of them were egrets. The artist Yoshida Hiroshi and his son Yoshida Toshi traveled […]

Blue Dragon Coffee

I have been woefully lax about updating here–as opposed to Livejournal–for which I apologize. Have some art! I am waiting on word back on edits on the next Hamster book before I can start drawing it, so I have a brief window to work on my own stuff. I can do anything! ANYTHING! …and apparently […]

Land Narwhal

When the unicorns went into the sea, untold millennia ago* they shed their hooves and took on blubber to become narwhals, and for the most part, they were happy. But ages passed and ice melted and the seas were no longer as hospitable as they had been. The narwhals heaved themselves up on the beaches […]

Out of the Hat

I keep pulling rabbits out of this hat. It was fine at first. People were grateful. Nothing wrong with that. But I kept pulling them out. And now they’ve gone strange and there’s something wrong with their faces. I don’t like the way they look at me. But what can I do? People still expect […]

My Favorite Teacher

So Scholastic approached me awhile back to do an illustration for their “My Favorite Teacher” campaign, and this is what I came up with.   Even though I am basically as busy as a human can possibly be without dying, I forewent sleep for this one. Partly because of Ms. Faunce, my high school freshman […]


So MCA Hogarth and I were chatting about free time, and I said I believed in the ancient legends and then she drew us looking at a Free Time and then I drew another Free Time and then she drew a Deadline and then made the class Deadline Slayer and then since we were apparently […]