Monthly Archives: May 2010


I am bouncing so wildly between styles now that my painting hand is getting whiplash. (Or maybe that’s from using a mattock to get those two viburnum in the ground yesterday.) Freed from Dragonbreath for a few weeks, all the creative backlog is trying to come down the pike at once.  Probably a good thing […]

The Boar God’s Gift

“I don’t know,” I said. “So many things I thought were true turned out not to be. And if those things are false, then how can anything be true?” “I cannot help you,” the boar-god said. “You have no enemies worth trampling, and I cannot remake the world into a shape you understand.” He lowered […]

Woohoo! Just got a note–like Ninjabreath before it, Wurstbreath will be a selection of the Junior Library Guild for Fall 2010! Yay! I’m stoked, and not just because now I can have a nicely symmetrical set of framed certificates. The JLG has been very nice to my books, and I am very grateful for it.

For my big post-finishing-a-Dragonbreath-book-painting (an outgrowth of the big post-finishing-a-Dragonbreath-book depression, during which I inevitably decide that I am a hack and a dreadful artist and cannot paint anything but cartoon dragons.) I came up with this: The Flight of Hamwings I always have this crash. Kevin occasionally makes me German chocolate cake, which does seem to stave […]

Okay, internet braintrust–book recommendation time! I am in the mood for a Gothic romance. I don’t mean "heroine wears a lot of black and listens to the Cure," I mean…oh, you know. Serious young woman hired as governess in dark brooding castle on the moors, grumpy servants making dark hints, pitying looks from the townsfolk, until […]