Pallindromic Birthday!

I’m 33 today! The same backward and forward. Life only grants you a couple of these–if current actuarial tables are to be believed, I can probably expect four more. Anything after that’s gravy, although we live in the future and all, so who knows?

It started on a slightly dour note, as I discovered that the coffee had gone cold and Kevin’s kids had used all the milk (and then replaced the empty milk jug in the fridge, as per pre-teen boy rules) but every crisis precipitates opportunity, and the failure of taste caused by re-heating the coffee was largely countered by adding all that whipped cream.

And I wandered around in the yard and found a female Spangled Skimmer dragonfly. So that was awesome.

As I already have an iPhone, there’s nothing much I want for my birthday–I’ll probably pick up some books, and there is a pair of shoes I have been coveting, (Dansko dark red leather clogs!) although I have to go up to Chapel Hill to get them, so it’ll probably be awhile. Other than that, I have pretty much everything I want. (Well, sure, I’d like the pond in the back yard to be done and the flower beds to be three feet bigger in every direction, but I only have so much manual labor in me at any given time, and I’d love a million dollars and for the negotiations on my book contract–currently at a rather unpleasant stage–to be done, but realistically, I have everything I want.)(Although if deer ticks could be reduced to a small but stable breeding population, preferably in Outer Mongolia, I wouldn’t complain….)

Anyway! I think I’m gettin’ sushi for lunch…

5 thoughts on “Pallindromic Birthday!

  1. Nimras says:

    Happy Birthday, Ursula!

    I think today is the day you get to eat all the sushi you want, of any kind you want. *grin* And perhaps tea, and a trip to the art supply store, where hopefully that thing that you’ve been eying but really can’t afford would miraculously be on sale. (Sorry, but no promises on this, however, it’s happened to me twice in … 27 years? You could get lucky…)

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