Monthly Archives: September 2008

Slice of Life — Craft Division

Me: "Hey, Kevin, do you know where your tin snips are?" Kevin: "Hmm, I don’t know if I’ve actually got tin snips–there’s a wire cutter in the garage, if that’ll work." Me: "Damn, no, I need something with more dicing power." (brief silence from the other room) Kevin: "I suppose I should ask the all-important question of WHY you want tin snips?" […]

Well, I was going to share the Common Flapalope and Megaflapalope with y’all, but there’s apparently some kind of bug with the buddy system–Kevin and I can’t locate one another, despite knowing each other’s log-ins. (I found another buddy okay, but I’m wondering if it either takes awhile to update, or if I’m temporarily invisible. Still, if […]