Monthly Archives: July 2005

Spent today bent over a face. It is quite good (well, for me.) It is a quantum leap forward from previous sculptural attempts of mine, and I am very pleased, and Super Sculpey rules. However, since I worked fairly large, it is nearly six inches high, and I’d have to make quite a large body […]

We return from the wilds of Pennsylvania, having visited the parental units and my kid brother. It’s often said that some parrots have the abstract reasoning capacity of small children. Fine and good, doesn’t sound too outrageous to me. However, what they fail to mention is that small children also share a number of traits […]

Studio Assault, Day 2, dawned dark, but ended well, as with much wrangling, sweating, grunting, and re-packing, I managed to get the large foamcore box that has been mocking me* into the closet, and–an almost unthinkable victory–got the closet door shut. With the door shut, I immediately wheeled the now-bulging-with-unfinished-art-and-mats laundry cart in front of […]

Well, my nerves are normal. Also, the answer to “Will this hurt?” is not “Maybe a little,” it is “Oh, hell, yeah.” They did a series of increasing shocks at various key points from a little medical taser. The first one was a mild annoyance. The second one was startling and painful. The third one […]

I read the latest Harry Potter yesterday, in one fell swoop, pop culture whore that I am. Needless to say, between that and Con exhaustion, my dreams were dark and grim and frantic, leading to such charming moments as being some kind of bodyguard, I abandoned my charge (who bore a suspicious resemblance to Draco […]

Phew. Trinoc is over. I have a little more money, a lovely silk-painted scarf of a wombat, and a copy of the latest Harry Potter to show for it. It was a long weekend. It’s not the con’s fault–it was slow and sales were down 30-40% from last year, but it happened to everybody, and […]