Monthly Archives: June 2005

I appeal to you, O vast base of reader knowledge! Today, I found a slug. A slug I have never seen before. A slug that looked almost like slick tree bark, or a boa constrictor, a lovely mottled reticulated pattern, gray and brown with darker patches along the back, and dark little antennae. He was […]

Had a nightmare last night when I was suddenly back in high school (Yes, over a decade later, I STILL have nightmares about high school) and had a final, and the final turned out to be having to label the parts of a circuit board. “You bombed, of course,” said James, who has, quite correctly, […]

Today’s Digger made me realize something. I have a hard time with villains. In today’s strip, for non readers, we have two characters we met a few pages back, two sort of patchwork, scruffy lizards wearing–or possibly made of–random stitched together hides. They want to skin our heroine, but for all the right reasons, and […]

Rough night last night. I’m feeling a good deal better–still sweating the clammy, bitter sweat of the not entirely healthy, still just slightly more removed from reality than usual* but otherwise better–but the sinusoidal ills still plague me. I was doing great yesterday evening, but last night the dreaded Creeping Nasal Gunk kicked in, and […]

Tired, glassy-eyed and stringy haired, covered in clammy fever-sweat, which is worse than mere hard-working sweat, I groggily went to the door to get the Fed Ex package and gazed at it thoughtfully.* My father had called to say, some days before, that his birthday present was arriving a little late because the ebay seller […]

I live! I spent most of yesterday feeling like grilled shit, and in fact, I suspect this is plague rather than pollen, since I was running a peculiar alternating fever (Up a degree, down a degree, up a degree, down a degree…) and my skin had that too-tender sensitivity, as if I had been gifted […]