Monthly Archives: May 2005

Went for a walk at Umstead Park today and saw a summer tanager! Having failed to bring my binoculars, and it being hotter than–if not Hell, at least the warm end of Limbo–that was my only bird spotting, and had it not been bright red and obviously not a cardinal, I doubt I would have […]

It’s one of those days. I spent the morning sketching pigs for this Nameless Project of Coolness, which was a lot of fun. Pigs are like bats. They range between so cute you want to claw your eyes out and a sort of gnarled, wrinkled hideousness that I still want to paint. One of these […]

It’s gonna be a scorcher today. James left for work, and as I held the door open, I could tell. It was almost room temperature outside at 9 AM. The humidity has not yet hit the truly epic levels it will achieve during the summer, but it’s already damp enough to make you feel like […]

In Which Ursula Speculates On Religion and The Noble Tomato

This post is about religion. Everybody tired of it, or easily offended, may wish to bail now. If you’ve already decided that I’m going to be bashing Christians, DEFINITELY bail now, because you’re probably not going to get my point, which is somewhat subtle, but I think worth making–or at least worth bringing up. It’s […]